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Community Service Bureau 601 E. Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202


Letter of Interest

Youth Engagement Unit

The Youth Engagement Unit provides a continuum of program opportunities for youth and young adults who are at risk of or involved in delinquent or criminal activity.  These programs are designed to increase opportunities for youth and reduce the number of youth referred to the criminal justice system, and delinquent or criminal recidivism by youth.  Programs include: COPS Care, Youth Envision Academy, PAL Athletic Programs, REACH Academy and Booster Sessions, REACH OUT, TEAM, and Youth and Adult Diversion Program. 

Details of the 4 programs seeking facilitators are listed below and for contact information on each program please visit our website:  



Program Proposals

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD), Community Services Bureau, is seeking proposals from community organizations for a life skills program that addresses specific areas of concern, such as decision-making, substance abuse, academics, theft awareness, job skills, career development, housing, and mental health for youth and young adults. Program specifics are indicated below:

  • The Youth Diversion Program provides pre-arrest diversion opportunities for youth who commit first-time misdemeanor offenses. Referred and accepted youth participate in 8-hours of interactive life skills workshops designed to address specific areas of concern, such as decision-making, substance abuse, academics, and theft. Youth parent/guardians participate in a 2-hour workshop designed to assist them in understanding and redirecting their child’s behavior.
  • The Adult Diversion Program provides pre-arrest diversion opportunities for young adults between the ages of 18-24 who commit first-time lower-level offenses. Referred and accepted young adults will participate in between 30-100 hours of interactive life skills workshops designed to address specific areas of concern, such as decision-making, academics, job skills, career development, housing, and mental health. Consistency of facilitator is required for selected agency
  • REACH OUT (Respect, Engage, Accountability, Character, Honesty/Officers Understanding Teens) is a collaborative effort of the CMPD and the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice to provide the necessary services and resources to effectively and positively change the lives of selected Youthful Offenders who have committed a first-time non-violent felony offense, and young adults who may be at risk of offending.  Referred and selected youth participate in a minimum of 100 hours contact through on-going 5-hour classes of interactive life skills workshops designed to address specific areas of concern, such as decision-making, academics, job skills and career development.  The selected agency would be responsible for 16, 5-hour curriculum session(s).  One male and one female facilitator are preferred.  Consistency of facilitator is required.
  • REACH (Respect, Engage, Accountability, Character, and Honesty) Academy is a week-long, gender-specific summer program for high school youth that builds positive relationships between youth and officers.  The program promotes personal and social responsibility through leadership opportunities, educational seminars and field trips, and career and vocation development classes.  Upon graduation, youth are invited to participate in monthly 5-hour “booster sessions” designed to nurture the education and relationships developed in the summer program.



Letter of Interest: 

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD), Community Services Bureau, is seeking proposals from community organizations for a life skills program that addresses specific areas of concern, such as decision-making, substance abuse, academics, theft awareness, job skills, career development, housing, and mental health for youth and young adults. The Youth Diversion Program provides pre-arrest diversion opportunities for youth who commit first-time misdemeanor offenses. Letters of Interest must be received by February 20, 2023. To apply, fill out this online form from SeamlessDocs.  

Please complete this form which serves as your Letter of Interest (LOI). Organizations may submit more than one LOI.  Late LOIs will not be accepted. Your LOI is limited to two (2) pages.  Organizations may attach an agency brochure, program curriculum, and/or single annual report.

Submitting an LOI does not guarantee funding.  Letters of Interest only provide preliminary information.  The CMPD will follow up with your agency after a review of your LOI by members of the Chain of Command.  Following this review and a by-invitation-only presentation by the agency, the CMPD will contract with the selected agency. 



Funding Priorities: 

The CMPD will give priority to agencies that:

  • Use an evidence-based curriculum
    • Able to adapt and deliver evidence-based curriculum to culture and context
  • Use evidence-based practices
    • Effective delivery based on culture and context
  • Provide demonstrable outcomes through measureable outcomes
  • Maintain consistency of facilitators
  • Meet the hourly demands of each program
  • Currently work with youth and possess demonstrable program outcomes
  • Demonstrate how the program will positively impact participants
  • Conduct pre, periodic, and post surveys
  • Create Client Status Reports



  • Organizations must be located in the greater Charlotte area and provide services in Mecklenburg County
  • Organizations must not discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or religious belief
  • Organizations should demonstrate a commitment to high-quality programming, employ highly qualified professional staff, and have experience working with the target population


Not Eligible for Funding:

  • Agencies promoting a religious or political view
  • Agencies seeking capital and endowment funds                       
  • Agencies seeking travel and conference costs
  • Agencies seeking to sub-contract services


The City of Charlotte is committed to making our services and programs accessible to all. Upon request, auxillary aids, written materials in alternative formats, language access and other reasonable accommodations or modifications will be provided. To make a request, please contact Lt. Stephen Iyevbele in the Community Service Bureau at 704-617-1502 or

Organization Information

Full Address

Organization Purpose

Upload any an agency brochure, program curriculum, and/or single annual report

Click Here to Upload

Program Information

Does the Program use an effective practice curriculum?

Does the program use effective practices?

Engaging Youth and Parents/Guardians

Program Budget


Timeline for the Award Process

  • Letter of Inquiry (LOI) - Due February 20, 2023 by 5pm
  • LOI Review and Agency Presentation - February 23 & 24, 2023
  • Project Period:
    • July 2, 2023 - June 30, 2024