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Community Relations Department

700 Parkwood Ave Charlotte, NC 28205


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police-Community Relations Awards Form

Thank you for your interest in submitting a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officer or work team for the annual Police-Community Relations Awards. Nominations should include a concise summary highlighting ways that the officer(s) have demonstrated their commitment to building positive, problem-solving relationships with individual residents and neighborhood groups.

Nominations will be reviewed by a group of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee members and winners will be announced at the annual awards celebration held in May during National Police Week. Please note that any nominations submitted after March 31 will be considered for the following year’s award.

The City of Charlotte is committed to making our services and programs accessible to all. Upon request, auxiliary aids, written materials in alternate formats, language access, and other reasonable accommodations or modifications will be provided.

Your Name


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