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City of Charlotte Public Records Request

600 E. Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202


Public records request form

More information 

Information provided in a public records request is subject to North Carolina public records laws and can be disclosed to any person making a public records request. 

Information submitted as part of your public records request will be disclosed publicly on the City of Charlotte’s Open Data Portal. This information will include Name, Organization, Date Submitted, and the text of your public records request.

The City of Charlotte is committed to protecting your privacy and will ensure that any disclosures are done according to law. To learn more about how this information is managed, please see our Privacy Statement.

The City of Charlotte does not discriminate based on disability. We will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. To make a request, please email or call our office at 704-336-2248.

For information regarding Fire Reports please call 704-336-4174

Understanding public records >>

Full Name

*Please provide at least one form of communication to allow the city to provide responsive material.

Full Address

Is this request being submitted on the behalf of a media outlet or representative thereof?

Is this request regarding previous, current, or potential litigation?

Requests are not required by law to be submitted in writing.

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