600 East Fourth Street, , Charlotte, NC, 28202, US
Are you on any government assistance?
If yes: Upload proof of income or EBT card, FNS, SNAP, WIC, CHIP, Veterans Pension
If you are unable to submit your application due to difficulty attaching proof of income, please email for assistance. You will not be able to submit an application without the proof.
We will be reaching out to you via email so please be sure to check your email daily.
Full Name
Full Address
Previous Address
Owner's Birthdate
ONLY Speak Spanish?
Pets must be between 4 months and 7 year BIRTHDAY for the Veterinarian to perform the surgery.
If your pet is PAST their 7 year birthday, you will be required to obtain surgerical blood tests from a veterinarian service. With out these tests, we will not be able to spay or neuter or pet.
Cat's breed